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Adherence (BDI)   

A BDI Adhering Party adheres to the principles of the BDI. 



BDI Artifacts are supporting documentation for the building blocks. These can be functional/non-functional specifications, process flows, sample documentation, etc. 



Legal entity that serves as trust anchor for both federated trust/authentication and local onboarding. 


BDI Association   

A BDI Association is the “root Association” for its Members 


Association Administrator    

Functionary responsible for operating the services of a BDI Association reporting to its Members. 



Association Articles 

  • BDI agreement system 
  • Association T&C’s 


Legal terms and conditions a Member has to agree on when joining a specific Association. 
Association Register   

Register of onboarded Members, and Preferred Business Partners of a particular BDI Association instance. 



Authentication involves validating the Digital Identity of an entity, person or  Process  



Authorization ensures that the authenticated entity, person or Process has been granted permission to gain access to the specific (data) resource requested. 


Authorization Register 


Authorization Register Data Management 

Holds authorization policies for one or more Data Owners on access to data 
Basic Data Infrastructure (BDI)



The Basic Data Infrastructure (BDI) is a framework for controlled data sharing, supporting automated advanced information logistics within next-generation OSCM networks. Departing from traditional messaging paradigms, the BDI shifts towards event-driven information collection at the source, fostering efficient and secure communication through proven publish-and-subscribe architectures. 



Basic Data Infrastructure Framework 

BDI Framework 


The Basic Data Infrastructure (BDI) framework defines the creation of a perimeterless data grid supporting multiple concurrent ODS, enabling controlled system-to-system automation of processes initiated by event-based notifications. 
BDI Component   

BDI components are software that implement functionalities of the BDI building block. A distinction is made between BDI demo software and BDI reference software (see below) 



BDI Authentication Processor 



Standard software to make APIs BDI compliant Processing of part of protocol: client assertion to token. 



Specify the capabilities of the BDI. It is a combination of building blocks required to perform a function of the BDI for a specific business situation. This includes core building blocks for Identity, Authentication and Authorization (IAA). On top of these core building blocks, additional capabilities can be added via kits, such as event capabilities. This could, for example, include the Pub/Sub building block, which can be added to work event-driven. 


BDI Network   

The BDI network is the collection of participants and associations that are established, maintained and governed accordingly with the principles of the  BDI Framework. 


BDI principles   

BDI Principles are the core principles of the BDI that guide the further development of the framework. They form the basis for specifications of building blocks, artefacts, components and kits. 


Business Partner
Reputation model 

Register within BDI Association, holding the Reputation scores of Business Partners. 


Business Partners   

Members of other BDI Associations than the root BDI Association. 


Certified Roles   






Data Consumer Data User   

  • Requests access to data and/or Representation Register and/or Professional Qualification Register of the Data Owner 
  • Controls discovery and endpoints 
  • Requests subscription to Event Pub/Sub Service of the Data Owner, receives and evaluates events. 


Data Exchange or sharing   

Controlled data exchange according to BDI principles in operational business networks 


Data Governance Act   



Data holder    



Data Licenses   

  • Descriptions of terms and conditions of using data 
  • Either in free form text, of in ODRL 


Data Model   

The semantic model used to describe the data to be exchanged 


Data Owner   

  • Has control over data and access to data, 
  • Controls decisions on Data Sovereignty and Trust Sovereignty 
  • Controls authorization policies, representation rules, professional qualification verification of staff and contractors 
  • Controls subscription to the Event Pub/Sub Service, and publishing of events to subscribers 
  • Controls discovery and endpoints 
  • Controls roles assumed by entity 


Data Protocol   

The protocol used to exchange the data 


Data Service Provider   

A Data Service Provider that acts under supervision and on behalf of the Data Owner 


Data Sharing Reference Architecture   

A tool-independent description of all that is needed for controlled data exchange using BDI principles in operational and supply chain networks  for coordination, control and compliance.. 





Demo software   

BDI Demo Software is software to test and demonstrate concepts or processes within the DIL program and to external parties. These components are not made for production. 



Means to identify specific endpoints of a given party. 


Edge Agreements   

Standards on interacting with entities and/or persons that have IT-systems that are less mature or not BDI-compliant. 

  • Processes, technology, terms and conditions, liabilities 



  • Structured data set, describing an action in physical world, or an administrative milestone 
  • Multiple statuses are possible: e.g. planned, in transit, historic 


Event Pub/Sub Service   

  • Accepts subscription to Event Pub/Sub Service  managed by  or on behalf of the Data Owner 
  • Sends pulses that the Data Owner sends to topics to subscribers of topics 
  • Manages a list of topics as identified by the Data Owner as channels for pulses. 


Federation of Associations   

A series of collaborating BDI associations 



The BDI Framework recognizes three interacting voluntary governance structures: Data exchange space governance, BDI Association (local trust and onboarding anchor) governance and BDI Framework governance. 






Identity Broker (role) 



Identity Provider (role) 




Levels of Assurance (LoA)   



Logistic Roles   

Legal entity which is  Member of its instance:   



Legal entity as member of a root BDI Association 



The purpose of publishing a pulse to a subscriber 



Becoming part of a BDI association and accepting the relevant terms and conditions 



A semantic description of a standard with focus on making the meaning of the used concepts broadly accessible and understandable 


Operations and Supply
Chain Data Spaces

Operations and Supply Chain Data Spaces (ODS) are logical constructs — networks of parties, both businesses and authorities, created to generate value from the production and distribution of goods and services. Parties may participate in multiple ODS concurrently, with participation frequency and duration varying based on business characteristics. 


Operations and Supply
Chain Management

Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) represents the science and expertise of value creation in the production and distribution networks of goods and services. 



Member of a different BDI Association than the root.  Note: this a relative perspective, from the position of a Member of a given instance (BDI Association). Members of your instance are “insiders”, anybody else is an Outsider and vice versa. 



The content of a message, could be Events, Data sets, streaming sensor data or any other type of data 


Perimeter-less trust   

In a perimeterless trust system there is no fixed common perimeter with a binary status (onboarded and trusted or unknown and not trusted): perimeters are custom made by each entity or group of entities. Trust is in principle assessed by each data owner for each entity that desires to exchange data. A data owner has trust sovereignty.   

 In practice the drive for efficiency will lead to groups that create their own trust perimeter: however that perimeter does not hinder them in data exchanges with outsiders.  



  • Definitions of access policies to data elements 
  • In operational data spaces, policies relate to role, (authenticated) organisation, and order-dependent authorization of access to data elements. 


Policy Agreements   

A basis set of policies which are agreed to when onboarding into an association 


Preferred Business Partners   

Outsiders who have agreed to specific terms and conditions of the local BDI Association that maintains its own Business Partner Reputation Model 


Professional Qualifications Register   

Holds proof of the professional qualifications (verifiable credentials of for instance licenses)  of natural persons related to them acting as a representative of a legal entity 


Provenance Traceability   

Provenance is the chronology of the ownership of a data element allowing to trace back data to its original owner or creator 


Publisher Data
Service Provider

  • Publishes Pulses with Payload within a Topic 
  • Distributes Pulses To Subscribers to a Topic 
  • Any party can be a Publisher (unlimited number of publishers) 


Pulse Trigger   

  • Datagram, distributed to Subscriber to a Topic 
  • A signal from the data Owner that there is data ready for the consumer to come and access 


Reference software   

BDI Reference Software is third-party software that is referenced for certain components. 



When employees or contractors act on behalf of an organisation, the organisation mandates them up to a set limit. The organisation is accountable for their actions and is liable if they act outside the set limits. 


Representation Register Mandate register   

  • Holds proof of the mandate of natural persons acting as a representative of a specific legal entity 
  • Holds proof of the mandate of organisations acting as a representative of a specific legal entity 


Role-based Authorization   

Access granted to data and services based on the Logistic Role  a member or its representation has. 


Roles (BDI) (Certified
Roles: iSHARE)

Roles in the framework, such as Data Consumer, Data Service Provider, Data Owner. (No certification of Roles.) 


Root Association   

The principle association a member is part of. 



An architecture reference model. The stack builds up on both the management and technical level, offering a versatile architecture adaptable to the unique network requirements it serves. 



  • Subscribes to one of more Topics of a Publisher 
  • Has no knowledge of other Subscribers to a Topic (isolated) 
  • Receives Pulses distributed by a Publisher 
  • Any party can be a Publisher (unlimited number of Publishers) 



  • Subject or channel a Subscriber subscribes to, to receive Topis related events 
  • Defined by Publisher 
  • Used to limit amount of Pulses with non-information for Subscriber 



Trust is the design and implementation of measures that evaluate the chain of trust per presented credential by any party; the decision to accept a certain level of trust is dependent on the risk of making a mistake.


Verifiable Credentials Digital Identity   

Verifiable Credentials are digital credentials. They can represent information found in physical credentials, such as a passport or licence, as well as new things that have no physical equivalent, such as ownership of a bank account.



Outsider with a better reputation score than a set minimum 


Zero-trust check   

When identity, authentication, trust  and authorization is checked with every data exchange. 


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