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Terms and Conditions, Policies and Data Licenses

Shared terms and conditions, data access policies and data licenses contribute to interoperability.

Terms and Conditions

Edge Agreements are an example of localized but common terms and conditions, creating efficiency in operations. Depending on the sector and type of goods more common terms and conditions can be defined that make life easier.



Data access policies are crucial for managing who can access specific data elements and under what conditions. The authorization of data access by the Data Owner often depends on the role of the requesting party. To avoid the complexity of managing numerous, individualized access rules, it’s beneficial to define and standardize roles and access levels across a sector. This approach simplifies the management of access rights and ensures consistency in how data is shared and protected.


Data licenses

Data licenses define the rights and responsibilities of parties that gain access to data. These licenses address critical questions, such as whether the data can be retained, reused, or shared with third parties. For example, in the e-commerce sector, a data license might stipulate that a transporter delivering packages cannot store, reuse, or resell the recipient’s personal information, such as name, address, email, phone number, or the type of goods delivered.


Data license can be legally enforceable if they are part of the contractual onboarding process for a BDI Association.


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