Get to know the BDI and discover which opportunities the BDI can offer you, and become part of the BDI Community.
Awareness and interest
In this initial phase, you will get to know the Basic Data Infrastructure (BDI) and the opportunities provided by federative data sharing. We will explain the basic principles and show how the BDI can help your organisation share data more safely and efficiently. This is the perfect time to arouse interest and discover the benefits the BDI can offer you for your specific situation.
Interest and introduction
During this phase, we offer a more in-depth introduction to the BDI by means of an interactive workshop. You will be given the opportunity to explore use cases and assess them with our experts. The goal is to give you a better insight into how the BDI works and how you can apply it within your own organisation. This hands-on experience helps you get a clearer picture of its practical applications and benefits.
BDI ready in a day
In this intensive one-day session, you will work together with our team on specifying your BDI use cases. We will use BDI components to convert your ideas into concrete plans. This day is meant to help you on your way quickly and efficiently, so that you have a working prototype at the end of the day and understand how you can implement the BDI and which further steps you will need to take.
Creating an MVP
Now it is time to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). We start with one specific use case and develop the first links and implementations of the BDI. Our BDI incubator offers a safe environment where you can flesh out these initiatives. The incubator ensures that everything you develop is ready for a production environment with real data. We support you with essential tools like an Association Register and an Authorisation Register, and offer expertise and continuous testing options. The BDI incubator is used by us to offer an environment in which data-sharing initiatives are specified in more detail. It acts as a springboard to a data-sharing environment in production. The incubator’s goal is to ensure that whatever is set up in the incubator is fully prepared for a production environment with real-life data.
- We can provide a number of key components with the incubator to start federative data sharing. Examples are an Association Register and an Authorisation Register.
- The programme also offers BDI expertise so you can get started, including support for setting up the system and continuous testing options for federative data sharing.
- The incubator does, however, require the participants to take part actively. This means that the participants can take part in the BDI architecture council, but also that they should take responsibility to ensure that the project is a success.
- The BDI aims to set up a federative logistics and supply chain management network in the Netherlands and Europe. This is why we also ask you to contribute to the BDI’s open-source documentation and share the lessons learnt with the BDI community, while obviously protecting confidential processes and data.
The incubator can also provide support in relation to:
- Transferring links to the test environment
- Searching for links that can be reused/standardised
- Creating test data
- Setting up links to other projects
- Participating in brainstorming sessions
- Providing input on techniques and concepts that could be interesting for the project
- Participating in and co-organising hackathons
The incubator doesn’t provide:
- Financing for the project
- Governance of the project
- Development capacity for the project, except for the support mentioned above
Transition to implementation
After a successful MVP, the logical next step is to scale your project for broader adoption and impact. This means implementing the solutions you developed in the MVP phase more widely within your organisation. Our support doesn’t stop with the MVP; we will continue to support and advise you while you level up your BDI initiatives. The goal is to create a fully operational data-sharing environment that meets the needs of your organisation and contributes to the broader federative network in the Netherlands and Europe.